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Transforming JFK’s New Terminal One: From Airport to Solar + Storage Microgrid

Jan 18 2024

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM PT

Room 30 ABC

Airports are arguably the most mission critical facilities that touch all walks of life. Jet flight, moving airplanes simultaneously, moving and protecting people, securing large buildings, powering dozens of systems, integrating operations, and meeting deep sustainability and resilience goals is a big order. Plus, failing to operate well at one airport in real-time usually has a ripple effect on planes across broad regions or whole countries.

The $9.5 billion JFK New Terminal One redevelopment is one of these mission critical facilities with truly global impact. The Terminal turned to a microgrid, rich in solar and energy storage, in order to meet sustainability and resilience goals. With 38% reduction in GHG from Day One, the microgrid actually puts JFK New Terminal One on a path to net zero GHG while at the same time assuring a grid outage will not interrupt the terminal’s service to people and airlines – ever.

Find out how the JFK New Terminal serves as a model for other airports and seaports in this 1-hour panel.

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