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Expanding Access to Solar: Exploring New Market Opportunities

Jan 17 2024

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM PT

Room 30 ABC

Despite being the lowest-cost form of energy available today, solar has traditionally been out of reach for many, especially low-income households and multi-family units. An increasing focus on equity and access across the solar industry, coupled with recent federal policies and incentives, means more companies are realizing the strong business case for bringing solar to new customers. This session will cover the market developments and financing and business model innovations that are helping solar become accessible to all, including examples of effective efforts from across the country. Panelists from the private, public, and nonprofit sectors will share best practices in reaching new customers and showcase how achieving equitable solar access can be a win-win for both communities and companies.


Connecticut Green Bank

- Associate Director of Innovation and Senior Advisor to the President & CEO


- Co-Founder and Board Member



Center for Sustainable Energy®

- Project Manager, SOMAH

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