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Ameresco, United Power Complete Construction of Colorado’s Largest Distributed BESS

Leading cleantech integrator Ameresco, Inc. announced the successful completion of multiple BESS, in collaboration with United Power, Inc., an electric co-op serving Colorado’s Front Range. 

These battery energy storage systems highlight the advancements being made in utility infrastructure that are enhancing resiliency and energy security. Together, they represent the largest wholly owned BESS asset portfolio in Ameresco’s history. 

The project will provide 78.3 MW, 313.34 MWh of battery storage capacity to the United Power electric distribution, spanning multiple sites. 

Ameresco integrated Stem’s AI-driven clean energy software to operate and maintain the systems, which will allow the cooperative to store and dispatch power efficiently during periods of high consumption.  

“The use of batteries on our distribution network is essential to a resilient and responsive power grid, and we are excited to be moving ahead with one of the most aggressive plans for such systems,” said Mark A. Gabriel, President and CEO of United Power, in a statement. “These battery energy storage systems will allow us to balance our power needs throughout the day and incorporate local renewables more efficiently.” 

Read more here. 

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