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California Energy Commission Invests $1.9B in EV Infrastructure Funding, Will Develop First-Ever Charging Regulations 

The California Energy Commission (CEC) has approved an investment plan to the tune of $1.9 billion that will result in the installation of 40,000 new EV chargers. 

The funding, which is part of the $48 billion California Climate Commitment, will help The Golden State meet its EV charging and hydrogen refueling goals quicker than previously expected. The money will be distributed to projects through competitive grants over the next four years. Projects include direct incentive and rebate programs for businesses, non-profits, tribes, and public agencies. 

According to the American Public Power Association, California currently has about 94,000 public and shared private chargers available. This recent investment, along with previous state funding, assistance from the federal government, utilities, and other programs, will result in 250,000 chargers statewide, including private installations and home chargers. 

The second Assembly Bill 2127 Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Assessment, which projects how much EV charging infrastructure is needed to meet demand, was also approved by the CEC.  

Additionally, the CEC is taking the lead by developing the first-ever state regulations for charger reliability and reporting, including performance standards that will be applicable to all publicly funded EV charging infrastructure.  

Check out the rest of this story here. 

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