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Michael Jewell

Michael Jewell

Licensed by the State Bar of Texas since 1989, Michael has advised and represented telecommunications and energy clients, including companies and organizations focused on solar, wind, energy storage, and transmission issues, as well as large industrial consumers, energy brokers, and retail electric providers, before the Public Utility Commission of Texas, Electric Reliability Council of Texas, and the Texas Legislature. Michael has been engaged in the Texas legislative arena working both in and out of the Capital for more than 35 years.

Michael is a co-founder, Executive Vice President and General Counsel for Creation Energy LLC which empowers the energy industry to effectively integrate and utilize Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) by creating affordable, resilient, clean energy communities that work in partnership with the grid. Michael also is a co-founder, Vice President, Secretary, and General Counsel of Collaborative Utility Solutions, a 501(c)(6) non-profit entity that was formed to provide a collaborative DER Registry to the utility industry to save time and money in the administrative process of enabling DERs to participate in both retail and wholesale market programs.

Michael earned his B.A. in Plan II from the University of Texas at Austin with concentrations in Mechanical Engineering, German, and Computer Programming. Michael earned his J.D. from The University of Texas School of Law in Austin. Michael is a member of the Board of Directors for the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute and the Conservative Energy Network and also is a member of the Advisory Board of Conservative Texans for Energy Innovation.

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