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Introducing SolarSnitch, a New DOE-Funded Cybersecurity Technology

SolarSnitch, a new technology developed by Sandia National Laboratories, has been created to address the emergence of cybersecurity gaps by securing PV communications within DER systems at the grid edge.  

SolarSnitch utilizes inspection tools to analyze cyber and physical data in PV smart inverters and custom machine learning (ML) algorithms to detect potential cyber attacks. 

The technology is one of 50 clean energy projects selected in the Fiscal Year 2024 Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF) Base Annual Appropriations Core Laboratory Infrastructure for Market Readiness (CLIMR) lab call, which are coordinated by the DOE’s Office of Technology Transitions. Funded by several DOE program offices, these lab call projects are tasked with advancing technologies and bolstering existing practices to deliver innovative renewable energy solutions. 

According to, project partners will conduct ML-focused testing of the SolarSnitch technology over the next 24 months. The testing will take place within multiple real-world environments to enhance its maturity, detection accuracy, and deployment readiness. 

Read more here.

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