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Interagency Study Explores Further Expansion of Clean Energy Production on Federal Lands  

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), along with the U.S. Departments of the Interior, Agriculture, and Defense have released a study indicating there is strong potential for additional expansion of renewable energy production on federal lands. 

The study has found that onshore federal lands in the contigous U.S. could support more than 7,700 GW of renewable energy capacity. 

Researchers determined that between 51 to 84 GW of renewable energy could be deployed on federal lands by 2035, only requiring approximately half of one percent of the total federal land in the contiguous U.S. That level of deployment would provide up to 10% of the reliable clean energy needed to reach net-zero emissions in the electricity sector. 

To date, the Department of the Interior has permitted over 30 GW of clean energy projects on federal lands — enough energy to power more than 15 million homes — surpassing its Congressionally authorized 25 GW goal before the 2025 target date.  

This new analysis indicates substantial opportunities to build on recent progress in deploying renewable energy resources to provide additional energy capacity in the years ahead, which is especially crucial during a time when growing American industries like advanced manufacturing and data centers are expected to ramp up. 

“We are pleased to be a partner in this analysis and contribute to growing a sustainable clean energy economy while protecting the natural and cultural resources on our public lands,” said Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management Principal Deputy Director Nada Wolff Culver, in a statement. “By working together, we can ensure the responsible development of clean energy across our lands that will help create good paying jobs, lower energy costs for consumers, and support our goal of 100% clean electricity by 2035.”   

Read more here. 

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