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2024 Speaker Agreement – Regional

Upon reading the agreement, please scroll to the bottom of the page and submit your acknowledgement.

Diversified Communications d/b/a Intersolar & Energy Storage North America Regional Texas Event (hereinafter “IESNA Texas”), is pleased to welcome you as a presenter and / or moderator. By execution of this agreement, I hereby agree to participate as a presenter and / or moderator at the 2024 IESNA Texas Conference to be held November 19-20, 2024 in Austin, TX. I understand that IESNA Texas reserves the right to distribute my presentation and that it will be made available to conference attendees during and after the event. IESNA Texas understands and agrees that the above grant of rights does not constitute a transfer of copyright and that I remain free to present the materials or revised versions thereof at other events. IESNA Texas is hereby authorized to use my name, likeness, picture, and biographical material during and after the event to advertise and publicize any use of the work.

In granting this consent and release, I acknowledge and agree IESNA Texas shall be under no obligation to pay me for delivery of any service I perform as a result of this agreement, or for the permission/license that I have granted to IESNA Texas to record, reproduce, publish, and distribute the work as set forth above.

By acknowledging this agreement, I agree that I have full rights to the materials used in fulfillment in deliverance of the presentation.

If you are using copyrighted materials developed by others including charts, graphs, images, proprietary video or audiotaped material written permission is required from the copyright holder for reproduction and use. This written permission must be obtained by you and submitted along with your presentation materials. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless IESNA Texas, its officers, directors, employees, and agents, from any and all claims, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and other expenses, incurred by IESNA Texas on account of any act, omission, breach of this Agreement, or other activity conducted by presenter in connection with this Agreement.

IESNA Texas will strive to create a welcoming, collaborative environment for all attendees and stakeholders. At times, debatable issues are discussed at IESNA Texas. These debates make the industry stronger and facilitate the healthy exchange of ideas in a collegial setting. All speakers will strive to present balanced perspectives on contentious issues in a professional, constructive manner.

Further, I will honor attendees by abstaining from overt statements or offensive humor, which would disparage the dignity of any individual or group. I will use non-discriminatory words in verbal and written communications. IESNA Texas recommends you review your material and substitute asexual words (e.g. sales representative or sales person instead of salesman); refrain from using labels (e.g., referring to women as “girls”); and eliminate sexist language in your handouts (i.e., replace masculine pronouns with he or she, or reword sentences or phrases). When you encourage audience participation, acknowledge and give equal opportunity for contribution. I agree to avoid discriminatory jokes or visual aids that show people in stereotypical roles by presenting individuals without bias regardless of sex, race, age, groups, etc.

We meet to foster the exchange of information in the energy industry and associated businesses by promoting networking opportunities among the attendees.  While engaging in these activities, attendees should avoid any discussions with competitors about customers or matters involving premiums, sale terms, territories, production, or any element of competition.

I acknowledge that I have read this consent and release prior to signing it and that I understand its contents. I understand that IESNA Texas is relying on this agreement and release and that my release and consent are irrevocable.

© Diversified Communications. All rights reserved.